The Pretty Good Book Group is open to all and meets the first Sunday each month unless otherwise arranged from 12:00-1:30 in the Chapin room.
Eleven books are selected for discussion during the year at a potluck held each January. Each person attending the potluck may recommend two books for selection consideration. The eleven books with the most votes are selected, and in the case of ties, a vote is taken to break the tie. Once the selections are finalized, the group determines what month the book will be presented and who will facilitate the discussion. Unless both books proposed by someone are selected, the person proposing the book facilitates the discussion.
The Pretty Good Book Group is open to all and meets the first Sunday each month unless otherwise arranged from 12:00-1:30 in the Chapin room.
Eleven books are selected for discussion during the year at a potluck held each January. Each person attending the potluck may recommend two books for selection consideration. The eleven books with the most votes are selected, and in the case of ties, a vote is taken to break the tie. Once the selections are finalized, the group determines what month the book will be presented and who will facilitate the discussion. Unless both books proposed by someone are selected, the person proposing the book facilitates the discussion.