Green Team

Green Team members work on their own projects both within and beyond our church, such as volunteering in our Community Garden, protecting native plants, tending our Pollinator Gardens, working on an urban tree forest, and participating in the Michigan Capital Area Power and Light’s project to assist black churches with solar panels, and pursuing options for solar energy to power our own church facilities and ministries. If you are interested in connecting with others who share an interest in making our community green, you can use this form to submit your contact information and a message (optional) to leaders Margo Smith and Kathy Lovell.


Green Team members work on their own projects both within and beyond our church, such as volunteering in our Community Garden, protecting native plants, tending our Pollinator Gardens, working on an urban tree forest, and participating in the Michigan Capital Area Power and Light’s project to assist black churches with solar panels, and pursuing options for solar energy to power our own church facilities and ministries. If you are interested in connecting with others who share an interest in making our community green, you can use this form to submit your contact information and a message (optional) to leaders Margo Smith and Kathy Lovell.